Galal AbouElnagah
University of Alexandria, Egypt
Title: Pathological behaviors of breast cancer which could alternate surgical decisions
Biography: Galal AbouElnagah
Surgical pathologists have a definitive role in cancer patient prognosis. The task of surgical pathologist is to provide accurate, specific, and sufficiently comprehensive information about the tumour behavior so the clinician can develop an optimal plan of treatment and estimate prognosis. The simple designation “benign” or “malignant” is not enough today. Breast cancer is not a single disease. There are distinct varieties of tumors, each with a characteristic biology. Details of breast cancer pathological behavior as the type, its differentiation, level of invasion, the number of lymph nodes with and without metastatic tumor, the presence or absence of hormone receptors, the activity of specific enzymes, ploidy, frequency of mitosis, and percentage of cells in the S-phase may all be relevant in the pathologic assessment of neoplasia. Intraoperative examination by frozen tissue sections could not usually give enough information; pathologists rely on better preservation of structure afforded by permanent tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) and occasionally other dyes. These raise the importance of preoperative diagnosis using core tissue biopsy rather than FNAC. In this presentation, the evaluation, prognostic factors, and treatment options for different pathologically different breast cancers will be discussed. Methods of surgical & oncological treatments of locally advanced cancer breast will be also discussed according to biology and clinical behavior.